Friday, November 25, 2011

Old Spice is currently looking for the MANLIEST man in SA!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Congratulations Jess / Miss Preggy

My gorgeous and super strong friend Jess gave birth to her beautiful and perfect son, Aiden last night. I am so proud. I've been following her blog since the beginning of her pregnancy and I have loved getting to know her and watch her grow and transition in to motherhood. Go read her blog for the whole story and to get to know more about this very special girl. Congratulations Jess. You have no idea how awesome you are.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Graeme's first lamp. DONE.

These amazing pictures by Paul Clark

Boys that I used to be in love with.

Best book launch. EVER.

I was invited to the very most delicious book launch this morning at the Houghton Golf Club. It was for a cookbook called Savour that has totally set the bar for local cookbooks. 

The photography, by Vanessa Lewis is just amazing. The chef is Estelle, and the writer is Karen. Here are some pictures from the launch. I'm getting the book, and I'll post pictures of that too. The book is so pretty, I'd have to hide it away from the kids for good. Really.


I'm getting older (27 now... DAMN) and I have noticed that things aren't as erm.. firm as they used to be. I've been skipping on and off for a while, but yesterday I hit it... hard. 

Skipping really is a lot harder work that I thought it was. I had to stop like 7 times to catch my breath. Today, my thighs, calves, stomach and my arms are really sore. It's a nice pain. It's a "I've worked out" pain. I like it.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

When rabbits have birthdays

I am pretty damn sure that I am going with this for Benjamin's FIRST birthday